A Parent’s Guide : Teething Struggles? Try these Soothing Tips !

Teething Toys & Rings: Refrigerate teething rings (not freeze!) to numb the area. Soft chewable (rubber/silicone) toys to ease gum pressure.
Cold Treats: Offer cold purees or chilled mashed fruits/vegetables. (Apple/carrot). A chilled, damp washcloth works wonders—wet it, refrigerate it & let your baby suck on it. The cold helps ease the pain.
Gentle Massage: Gently massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger to ease the discomfort.
Distraction: Singing, playing with toys or a change of scenery can also help distract from the pain. Sometimes a little distraction can help take the baby’s mind off the discomfort.
Ask a Doc: Some pediatricians may recommend safe topical gels, but check with your doctor first.
Patience & Extra Comfort : Teething is a phase while it may be uncomfortable, it won't last forever. Offer comfort by cuddling, rocking or any soothing activities your baby loves.
Sometimes all your baby needs during this journey is extra comfort.
Dr. Janani, BDS | 10th December, 2024
Teething can be a challenging phase for both babies and parents, but there are plenty of ways to make it easier and more comfortable for everyone. Here are some tips to soothe your teething baby
Keep your eyes on your baby's symptoms, if pain persist or seem unusual, consult with your Doctor.